The Trade of the Decade

We interrupt our regular programming to bring you up to speed on the profit opportunity for the rest of the 2020s.

Yes, there’s a video link below — but we’re not trying to sell you anything today.

If you want to “cut to the chase,” use the scrubber to advance to 2:25. There, you’ll see a chart that brings the opportunity into clear view.

I used this chart last fall to kick off a panel discussion during our Paradigm Shift conference in Las Vegas.

Taking part were Paradigm’s macroeconomics authority Jim Rickards… Paradigm’s energy-and-mining specialist Byron King… and Rick Rule, founder and former CEO of Sprott U.S. Holdings, an elite asset management firm.

While the discussion took place several months ago, almost all of the content is still current. I urge you to give the above video a look right now.

In fact, now is the ideal time to take in the information here.

That’s because starting tomorrow, with Jim Rickards’ help, we’ll take the wraps off an all-new strategy to help you maximize this trend.

We’re talking about an opportunity for generational wealth — the likes of which has occurred only twice before in the last 60 years.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. For today, just watch this illuminating dialogue above.

Back to regularly scheduled programming tomorrow.

Best regards,

Dave Gonigam
Managing editor, Paradigm Pressroom's 5 Bullets

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