Confession Time!

Dear 5 Bullets Reader,

On this low-trading-volume day – sandwiched between a federal holiday and a weekend – we’re changing things up.

Earlier this spring, I gathered in Washington, D.C. with many of my Paradigm Press colleagues for a conference at the Watergate Hotel – the “scene of the crime” that brought down President Richard Nixon 50 years ago this summer.

One morning, I was joined by a video crew in Room 214 – known to history as “the Scandal Room.” It’s where G. Gordon Liddy and E. Howard Hunt monitored the progress of the break-in at the attached Watergate office complex on June 17, 1972.

What followed was a “confessional” of sorts.

I was asked for some candid reflections on camera about the political/social atomsphere then versus now… censorship of social media… and corruption in corporate media.

It runs just over 20 minutes. There’s nothing here that was scripted. The questions were not given to me in advance. As a result, I surprised even myself with some of the answers!

One point of clarification: This interview was recorded before the Supreme Court’s disturbing Murthy v. Missouri decision issued last week.

But if anything, the ruling makes this video even more timely. Click the screenshot above to start watching. And as always, thanks for your time and attention.

Best regards,

Dave Gonigam
Managing editor, Paradigm Pressroom's 5 Bullets

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